There are three categories of membership in TEGMA:
Active Members:
Level I: Global companies and Class I Railroads
Level II: Shippers / receivers - manifest/shuttle/ports/terminals etc.
Level III: Short line railroads and grain processor/supply chain related businesses, such as barge lines and local/regional grain processors
Associate Members: Organizations that do not qualify as either an active or an affiliate member. Associate members shall be those in businesses directly related to the grain/transportation sectors. (This would include service companies such as rail car leasing, finance, and others.)
Affiliate Members: State grain/feed associations and inspection agencies.
Membership Benefits: TEGMA speaks as one voice for the industry.TEGMA is big enough to be effective but small enough for each individual member to be heard.TEGMA is a focused group where members share common interests.
Below is a list of our current members with links to their websites.
Associate Members
Affiliate Member
Champaign Danville Grain Inspection
Hastings Grain Inspection, Inc.
Active Members
Pacificor LLC