TEGMA focuses its expertise and advocates for transportation and infrastructure policy that promotes efficiency, competition, and safety in handling and transporting of North American grain and grain products. Producers depend on an effective and economic transportation system to deliver their products to domestic and world consumers.
Transportation Committee
TEGMA serves as a vehicle to surface issues among our members. When certain issues in the industry arise, TEGMA first addresses them in the Transportation Committee, and then when appropriate, forms Task Forces to address them specifically. The Transportation Committee is a select group of members chosen by the Board of Directors from different member organizations within TEGMA that will represent the entire spectrum of membership. Members who currently serve on the Transportation Committee are:
Trent Schairer, Bartlett Grain (Committee Chair)
Taylor Aaland, Agtegra Cooperative
Shane Berrett, Viterra
Justin Cauley, CHS Inc.
E.G. Herl, GrainCraft
Brock Lautenschlager, Cargill
Terry McDermott, Bunge
Jon Setterdahl, Landus
Billy Shortal, Scoular
Ben Sweat, POET
Craig Toews, Louis Dreyfus Companies
Mike Vaupel, ADM
Ryan Warner, CGB
Justin Yoesel, Cooperative Producers Inc
Aaron Reid, JDH (ex-officio)